AHOY! Pirate Invasion In Yorktown This Weekend!
AHOY! The Pirates Are Coming…. to another weekend Pirate Invasion in Yorktown! Save the date for tons of Pirate fun at Riverwalk Landing in Yorktown.
When: Saturday & Sunday, April 27 – 28, 2023 from 10am-4pm
Where: Riverwalk Landing, 331 Water Street, Yorktown VA
Cost: Free!
Description: Pirates Invade Yorktown: Step back into the Golden Age of Piracy as Riverwalk Landing and the Watermen’s Museum are invaded by seafaring marauders from 10am-5pm. On Saturday, April 29 – Yorktown Market Days will also take on a pirate theme and runs from 8am-3pm.
- Landlubbers of all ages are invited to visit the Historic Yorktown waterfront to learn lessons and legends from pirates’ lives in the 17th and 18th centuries.
- Explore a pirate encampment, view live blacksmith demonstrations, sing along with sea shanties, and exciting cannon demonstrations! Also on the schedule – Pirate School & Training, a Puppet Pirate Show, Pirates & Mermaids of Yorktown, children’s crafts, and more!
- Go on a Yorktown Treasure Hunt where you can collect coins, jewels, eyepatches and treasures from local businesses!
For more information on entertainment and participating business promotions, as well as updates on weather considerations and activities: Click Here.