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Hampton: Scouting Programs

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  1. Colonial Virginia Council BSA – Cub Scouts
    One of the BSA's premier programs, offering citizenship, character, personal fitness, and leadership for youth in grades K to 5.

    The Colonial Virginia Council, BSA is the largest youth (boys and girls) organization on the Peninsula and in the Southside of Virginia; serving the communities of: Newport News, Hampton, Poquoson, Smithfield, Suffolk, Surry, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Emporia, Franklin, Lawrenceville, and the counties of Brunswick, James City, Gloucester, Greensville, Isle of Wight, Mathews, Southampton, and Sussex.
    Colonial Virginia Council, Boy Scouts of America 11834 Canon Blvd Suite L, Newport News, VA
  2. Colonial Virginia Council BSA – Exploring
    This program connects boys and girls ages 10-20 with mentors, businesses, and agencies within their communities to help them discover future career paths.

    The Colonial Virginia Council, BSA is the largest youth (boys and girls) organization on the Peninsula and in the Southside of Virginia; serving the communities of: Newport News, Hampton, Poquoson, Smithfield, Suffolk, Surry, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Emporia, Franklin, Lawrenceville, and the counties of Brunswick, James City, Gloucester, Greensville, Isle of Wight, Mathews, Southampton, and Sussex.
    Colonial Virginia Council, Boy Scouts of America 11834 Canon Blvd Suite L, Newport News, VA
  3. Colonial Virginia Council BSA – Scouts
    The traditional Scouting experience where boys and girls can have their share of adventure in the great outdoors. We offer these traditions by allowing our youth to volunteer in their community, boost their leadership skills through fun and exciting challenges, and create memories that last a lifetime. Scouts also get a chance to earn Scouting's highest rank, Eagle Scout. This program is available for boys and girls ages 11-17.

    The Colonial Virginia Council, BSA is the largest youth (boys and girls) organization on the Peninsula and in the Southside of Virginia; serving the communities of: Newport News, Hampton, Poquoson, Smithfield, Suffolk, Surry, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Emporia, Franklin, Lawrenceville, and the counties of Brunswick, James City, Gloucester, Greensville, Isle of Wight, Mathews, Southampton, and Sussex.
    Colonial Virginia Council, Boy Scouts of America 11834 Canon Blvd Suite L, Newport News, VA
  4. Colonial Virginia Council BSA – Sea Scouts
    A maritime program for boys and girls ages 14-20 providing a fun, safe environment for Scouts to learn, build friendships, and develop character while earning advancement. Coed program for ages 14-20.

    The Colonial Virginia Council, BSA is the largest youth (boys and girls) organization on the Peninsula and in the Southside of Virginia; serving the communities of: Newport News, Hampton, Poquoson, Smithfield, Suffolk, Surry, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Emporia, Franklin, Lawrenceville, and the counties of Brunswick, James City, Gloucester, Greensville, Isle of Wight, Mathews, Southampton, and Sussex.
    Colonial Virginia Council, Boy Scouts of America 11834 Canon Blvd Suite L, Newport News, VA
  5. Colonial Virginia Council BSA – Venturing
    A youth-led program where Scouts experience positive mentorship and develop leadership skills in a fun, supportive environment. This program is coed ages 14-20.

    The Colonial Virginia Council, BSA is the largest youth (boys and girls) organization on the Peninsula and in the Southside of Virginia; serving the communities of: Newport News, Hampton, Poquoson, Smithfield, Suffolk, Surry, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Emporia, Franklin, Lawrenceville, and the counties of Brunswick, James City, Gloucester, Greensville, Isle of Wight, Mathews, Southampton, and Sussex.
    Colonial Virginia Council, Boy Scouts of America 11834 Canon Blvd Suite L, Newport News, VA
  6. Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast
    Scouting Programs and Summer camps, open to Girl Scouts and non-Girl Scouts ages 6 and up.
    Hampton Roads, VA
    (757) 547-4405