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Newport News: Cooking Classes

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  1. 4-H Club Programs and Camps – Newport News
    4-H is the youth (ages 5 to 19) development education program of Virginia Cooperative Extension. 4-H is rich with learning experiences where young people partner with caring adults and volunteers in a fellowship unlike any other program available to youth today.

    Through 4-H, young people are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities that emphasize 4-H's "learning by doing" philosophy of youth development. 4-H is characterized as being community-centered, volunteer-led, Extension-staff supervised, research-based, home- and family-oriented, publicly and privately funded, and responsive to change.

    During the summer, 4-H offers a range of day and residential (overnight) camps.

    There are unlimited possibilities for club and/or individual member areas of interest:

    Animal Science: Livestock, Horse, Pets, Poultry, Veterinary Science | Art: Arts & Crafts, Painting, Photography, Theater | Career Exploration: Communications, Presentations, Public Speaking, Leadership Development | Environmental Education and/or Outdoor Recreation | Family and Consumer Sciences: Childcare, Family Life, Financial Literacy, Sewing, Foods, Nutrition, and Health: Cooking, First Aid/CPR, Healthy Living, Personal Safety | Horticulture and Agriculture: Beekeeping, Gardening | Science, Engineering, and Technology: Aeronautics, Computer Programming, Robotics, Rocketry, Woodworking Invention
    Newport News, VA
    (757) 591-4838
  2. Newport News Parks & Recreation
    Programs for youth available in Acting, Basketball, Boxing, Cheerleading, Cooking, Dance, Foreign Language, Gymnastics, Ice Skating, Martial Arts, Music, Sewing, Soccer, Volleyball, Yoga, Zumba. Not all programs may run during all sessions.
    Various locations throughout Newport News, VA
    (757) 926-1400