Newport News: Libraries

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  1. Main Street Library
    Activities, Events, and Storytimes.
    110 Main Street Newport News, VA 23601
    (757) 591-4858
  2. Newport News Public Library
    Several different storytimes available for children ages birth to age 5. Some programs do require registration.
    Various locations throughout Newport News, VA
    (757) 926-1350
  3. Pearl Bailey Library
    Activities, Events, and Storytimes
    2510 Wickham Ave Newport News, VA 23607
    (757) 247-8677
  4. Public Law Library
    2501 Washington Ave Newport News, VA 23607
    (757) 926-8678
  5. Virgil I. Grissom Library
    Activities, Events, and Storytimes
    366 DeShazor Drive Newport News, VA 23608
    (757) 369-3190