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Suffolk: Special Needs

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  1. City of Suffolk Therapeutic Recreation
    Recreational opportunities for individuals with disabilities and special needs. Summer camp available.
    Suffolk, VA
  2. Kay’s Acres, LLC
    Trail Rides, Horseback Riding Lessons, Mobile Pony Rides and Petting Zoo, Birthday Parties and Special Events on the Farm. Events for families with Special Needs.
    Kay's Acres, LLC 800 Lummis Road Suffolk, Virginia 23437
    (757) 932-0551
  3. Let Me Be Great Children’s Yoga
    Currently offering yoga classes for children ages 2-17 of all ability levels, and Baby & Me Yoga classes.
    Hampton Roads, VA
    (757) 656-9442
  4. Suffolk Parks & Recreation
    After-school care, spring/summer camps, basketball, cheerleading, gaming, golf, hip hop dance, karate, soccer, tennis,swim lessons, birthday parties available. Therapeutic recreation activities and camps are also available.
    Various locations in Suffolk, Virginia
    (757) 514-7250
  5. YMCA South Hampton Roads
    Multiple programs for Hampton Roads families including fitness and athletic programs for kids and families, toddler programs, swim lessons, arts and theater programs, preschool programs, before/after school child care, summer and out of school camps, teen leadership programs and more.
    Multiple locations throughout South Hampton Roads, VA
    (757) 962-5555