Date Night: Norfolk Admirals Hockey Game (Discount)
Date Night! Connecting with your significant other at a grownup activity (or at least just going somewhere without kids in tow) can be an important part of self-care and nurturing your relationship. If you been meaning to get one scheduled but just aren’t sure what there is to get out and DO, this is the series for you!
Grab your significant other and check out one of the events in our new Date Night Series: Date Night in Hampton Roads!
Suggestions for future Date Night Posts? Submit them here!
Date Night in Hampton Roads is brought to you by:
Date Night Idea: Norfolk Admirals Game
- February 12, 2020
- March 4, 2020
- March 18, 2020
- April 2, 2020
(Some of the) Upcoming Norfolk Admirals Promotions:
- Teddy Bear Toss
- December 14
- Military Appreciation Night
- January 25 || March 6
- Pink in the Rink
- February 8
- Pucks and Pawks Night
- March 18
- St. Hatricks/Mental Health Awareness Night
- March 21
- Fan Appreciation Night
- April 4