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Angst – Raising Awareness Around Anxiety (Online)

Angst: Anxiety Disorders are Real, Common, and Treatable

For those of you who struggle with anxiety, know someone who struggles with anxiety, or parent a child who struggles with anxiety, make sure to check out this upcoming VIRTUAL, FREE event! I personally watched a screening of this film with both of my kids and it has led to some really helpful conversations.

Where: Online

When: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 from 6:30-8pm

Cost: Free

Description: Angst is a film-based education program designed to raise awareness around anxiety, with an emphasis on youth and families. The film includes interviews with kids, teens, experts, and parents. Our goal is to help people identify and understand the symptoms of anxiety and encourage them to reach out for help. We will be showing the film, which will promptly be followed by a panel discussion and include access to further resources and materials.

To reserve your seat: CLICK HERE