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Looking to Learn: Art and Storytime at MOCA (Free Program)

Looking to Learn Art & Storytime

A free program for kids focusing on art exhibits and related stories, from Virginia MOCA!

Where: Virginia MOCA, 2200 Parks Avenue Virginia Beach, VA 23451

When: Select Sundays at 10am

Cost: Free (registration is required)

Description: Children ages 3-8 and their caregivers are invited to join us each month as we look, learn, and make in response to themes from our current exhibitions.

This month, we will be looking at Pour Me and (I am) Not an Iron by Sue Johnson, from our exhibition Amplify, reading the book Beautiful by Stacey McAnulty, and making expressive zines about our own personalities. Free art kits will available for pick-up on a first come-first served basis. Please refer to your registration confirmation for details.

More information and registration can be found by CLICKING HERE.

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